Grade 4 – Math

Fractions with Lego

An interactive activity using lego to help students understand and represent decimals. Can easily be adapted for higher levels.

Pizza Challenge

A digital journaling activity regarding the fractions of a pizza.

The Big Bash

Through an activity where students plan their tenth birthday party, fractions and decimals are used.

(1 customer review)

Telling Time

8 slides to be used for learning to tell time.

(1 customer review)


Moveable manipulatives to create mathematical statements.

Decimals Quiz – G4

30 self-grading questions on decimals.

Decimals Work – Includes Coins

3 pages of math practice that includes Canadian coins.

(1 customer review)

Area Using Multiplication

Notes and practice questions for teaching area to students.

Estimating Area

Examples and an estimation challenge for students learning the mathematical concept.

Area – Finding L & W

An activity to work through how to determine the length or width of a shape when the area is given.

Area – Introduction

Two pages of area questions to check for understanding.

Area Quiz

A Google Form Quiz to check for understanding of area concepts. 18 Points.

Decimals – Gr. 4 Week 1

Four pages of practice working with fractions and decimals.

Decimals – Comparing

Two pages of exercises to practice the concept of comparing decimals.

(16 customer reviews)

Geometry – Prisms

An introductory four-page packet introducing the concept of prisms.

Geometry Quiz – Grade 4

An 18 point quiz created to autograde in google forms.

Long Division – How to

A step by step instructional guide for teaching long division. DMSB. Includes videos.