Grade 4 – Social Studies

Blackfoot Worldview

A template for students to summarize the culture of the Blackfoot people of Alberta.

Alberta Scattergories

A template for students to fill out regarding our province. Words are then entered into a wordcloud generator.

Alberta Road Trip

A template for a road trip to a destination in Alberta.

Who am I?

A project outline (with rubric) for students to inquire about their ancestry and their past.

Alberta – Region Research

A template to guide students through researching and reporting on a region of Alberta.

Buffalo Jump & The Tipi

Stories and video about Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump and the Tipi.

Becoming a Province

A document explaining how Alberta became a province in 1905.

First Peoples of AB

Exploring the history of the First Nations People of Alberta.

Francophone Communities

A fill-in-the-blanks activity regarding Alberta’s Francophone Communities.

Alberta Booklet

A lengthy booklet about the history, stories and people of Alberta.